Transition Insight
How human-centric architectures serve as a foundation for our Planet's future
How human-centric architectures serve as a foundation for our Planet's future
I started Transition Insight as a vehicle for values-driven, customer-obsessed product delivery (project/program management) in 2010. The work on this site, as well as exploring modern (Agile/DevOps) approaches for delivery explores the systemic context and the ideal foundation for reflexive productivity to take hold in the global political economy (namely decentralized use-case specific protocols facilitating collaborative and globally integrative economic activity) . For a detailed career chronology, biography and mission statement visit
Sound institutions require an ecology in which products and services of objective value are created through processes aligning the interests of all (not just immediate) stakeholders in a radically transparent and free marketplace of ideas - this enables strategic delivery and execution on a path - against a roadmap of priorities - that serves markets without compromising (the commons in whole or part). Venn-complex tribes naturally form based on intrinsic creative talent and shared values rather than externally imposed order; they work autonomously to build and sustain capabilities indefinitely, echoing Chomsky's vision of anarcho-syndicalism. Holistically, this approach ensures that the political economy is internalized and balanced in aggregate
Epitomized by cover of Joseph Campbell's 'The Hero With A Thousand Faces' each manifests their unique creative talent to whatever brings them joy, self-organize autonomously in organic gatherings to create value ever more productively; transparent mechanisms for exchanging value align self interests to those of the commons; collectively we create something greater than the sum of its parts - a sustainable global reality and life with meaning and purpose. For me the image is of Atlas and we are masons (i.e. we stake and build).
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